Keep learning and growing.

I have learned so much in the last few years. Just when I thought, I’m old and I know it all, lol!
Its feels good to let your kids go to live their lives, to not be afraid of what may happen, to trust God loves them more than I ever could, He knows what’s best for them and will provide for them just as He has done for me, even before I knew Him.
Because someone was praying for me through those years just as I’ve been praying for them.

Thank you God for always answering my prayers. Some answers have taken a lifetime it seems. Probably because we are so stubborn and busy waisting our precious time away. If only I listened to your voice sooner. Life would have run smoother I know. God, you have taught me and provided for me more than I could imagine.
To live without fear. To live with Your power and joy is the best life ever.

2Tim 1:7- “for God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power and love and self-control.”

Excerpt From
ESV Classic Reference Bible
This material may be protected by copyright.

Oh wow! It’s really been 2 years

So much has happened in two years. So much good has come out of this crazy, hectic, traumatic time in my life. Losing loved-ones, a huge cross country move, my husband fighting for his life while trying to build our new home.

Now, in 2023 he is cancer-free, we have a new home, a new life. A reset! As we both discover a new way of living, not just the country farm life, but more an appreciation for life itself, I have learned to trust God more. He does have an amazing plan much better than I can imagine.

I have finished R2 and he will be in another parade someday. But for now, he has a new place to stand and watch me create.

Hold on tight through the rough road. It’s worth it.

God is in the interruptions.

As my husband and I prepare a major move out of California, there have been numerous interruptions, large and small. I heard recently that Jesus was interrupted constantly and it is unknown if He finished some things He set out to do after being interrupted. I was beginning to think it was just me, lol!

I still see God’s miracles through the difficult interruptions, so I am sure there is a reason for all the things going on. We will get there when we get there…and appreciate our new adventure even more.

I have completed a couple paintings, which I have posted if you wish to take a look at the gallery. A couple more are very close. I am still debating, should I finish repairing R2D2’s head? My husband doesn’t enjoy the presence of the life-size R2 in our living room or moving the giant to Arkansas…I don’t understand it. I think he is awesome! So with that said, I guess I need to finish him 🙂

Enjoy and talk to you soon!

A newbie on the wheel

Had a lovely day at the art gallery creating a new decorative fireplace from cardboard for our window and learning to throw a pot for the first time…very fun! Thank you Becky Peck for your wonderful teaching and wisdom of our Master Potter❤️

New gallery added

A new gallery has been added. Instead of having to view paintings in individual categories, you will now be able to view all my paintings at once. I hope you enjoy the change 🙂

Beautiful Sea

2020 is starting out with a bang to say the least. My newest painting, Beautiful Sea, represents there is still beauty around us and God’s light is still present even through our rocky times. Whatever comes our way, we remember that God has got this. He is bigger than any trial that tries to overtake us.

God’s still at work

Well, it has been a whirlwind of life happening the last few months between my dad-in-law passing and this coronavirus thing. But I see God still at work behind the scenes. He is making changes in people’s hearts and through the trials we are blessed. Prayers for everyone going through difficult times or peaceful times, that God will bless you, your finances, your family and friends. May browsing through my paintings and writings bring you happiness.

New Gallery

Added a new “Critters and Characters” gallery for my newest painting of Baby Yoda. I will have to add more fun characters and critters in the mix now. May the force be with you!

We have titles now!

Just added the titles of the paintings which were not showing up. Still working out the kinks and finding things that need improvement. Looking better all the time, yeah!